March Meet The Maker - Week Three -ish

Good evening,

So we're well into March and isn't spring just wonderful, lots of sunshine, daffodils lining pathways, and blossom on the trees. HAAA just kidding... what is with this snow??! The weather is so confused at the moment but it needs to sort itself out -  I think I'm solar powered I need some sunshine.

On we go with March Meet the Maker I fell behind so have just spammed everyone on Instagram catching up today (Sorry!)...

Day 12: Postage and Packaging

Gotta love a polka dot! All my parcels are posted in polka dot tissue paper with a handwritten note from me. Happy post!

Day 13: Work Clothes

 (Excuse the polka dot face - I'm not that obsessed with them that I paint polka dots on each morning!) I usually seem to wear blue.. dark blue, navy blue, denim blue... today though I wore yellow... with a hint of blue! Luckily neither my day job or May I Design is particularly messy so smart casual goes! (Unless I'm working from home then PJs fit the Bill!)

Day 14 Dreams and Plans

These change on a daily basis I get so excited and jump head first into an idea then a few days later another 'brilliant' idea pops into my mind haha.

One thing that has stayed consistent is I'd love my own garden studio like this one off Pinterest where I can teach workshops with a gorgeous view (I'd also like a big, gorgeous garden too) and I'd love to have my own gallery that sells the work of new designer/makers and also allows them to teach workshops in their medium... one day! Oh and I've had another idea.......

Day 15:

Head over to Instagram to see this.. Boomerang I'm not going to lie these boomerang things stress me out a little, I think it's the continuous loop! But I've given it a whirl and a big 'HELLO'

Day 16: Helpers

I am so lucky that both my parents are so supportive of my craftyness! Dad is super helpful with technical drawing and also there's not a single thing that man doesn't have stored in a tin or tub somewhere!

My mum is also so supportive, she listens and offers advice with every aspect of my business and keeps me on track when I have random ideas I want to follow. I really don't think I'd have kept going if it wasn't for them being so encouraging and supportive. I'm a very lucky girl

Day 17 : Customers & Feedback

I swear I have the best customers the feedback for my portraits and classes are so lovely! It makes all the hardwork worth it! And it's true lovely feedback does make creative's do a happy dance - well I do anyway!

Day 18: Inspiration

I am super inspired by quaint buildings and cute doors. I'm not sure what it is they just fill me with happy! Being so near the Cotswolds I'm not far from a shed load of inspiration.

Day 19: Can't Live Without

Bar the obvious of my trusty sewing machine I think next it would be a strong brew and a to do list... I love a list! I'm got the memory of a very forgetful goldfish so lists are a must. There's something so satisfying about crossing things off the days to do list!

See you next week! Let's hope Spring remembers to arrive by then!
