March Meet The Maker - Week Four-ish

Good afternoon,

now I'm not meaning to jinx anything here but maybe, just maybe, Spring is beginning to sort itself out. The sun is shining here is Wiltshire and I've even hung washing out on the line! (it's the little things!)

So on to week 4 of March meet the maker... 

Day 20 *Tools and materials* 

My work is mainly created using freehand machine embroidery on a domestic sewing machine and I sometimes add a few hand embroidered stitches too. I use a hoop to keep my fabric drum tight, threads and embroidery floss as well as little splashes of appliqued fabrics too.

Day 21 *A day in the life of...* 

Today is not the ideal day to follow me as I'm off to the day job and not going to have time for any may I design work.... On my days off I tend to get up about 8ish have a nice brekkie and a strong coffee and then check emails.

If I have portraits to do I'll crack on with these wither sketching them out, inking them in or stitching them. I then have to frame the portrait, photograph them and get them packaged up really nice and safe to send off. Other days I maybe designing wedding stationery or teaching or eventually I'm going to come up with new designs... Each day is very varied and I love it.

Day 22 *Sketchbook and lists* 

I love stationery and pretty sketchbooks and notebooks! I also am an avid list writer! I do a to do list everyday to keep me on track and so I don't forget anything! I've just got to remember which notebook I wrote it in...

Day 23 *Hands at work* 

My house portraits have a few different stages: I draw them out onto paper first in pencil, then I ink them in so that I can see the lines more clearly to trace them onto calico, I then start stitching 

Day 24 *Achievements* 

Just over a year ago I'd never taught before and decided to give it ago. In school I hated reading out loud, at university I hated doing presentations but for some reason I felt i wanted to give teaching workshops in free-motion embroidery ago. The feedback has been lovely and the work fantastic. 7 workshops down and I hope many more to come. 

Believe you can and you're halfway there.

Day 25 *Being a maker means...* 

Finding something that makes you happy and creating things that hopefully makes others happy too <3

Okay so I may have spoken too soon, the weather has clouded over! Oh well at least its not (whispers) snowing!

See you next week