The Sunday Post

Good morning,

I don't know about where you are, but the sun is shining in Wiltshire today. Finally, YIPEEE! 

Today's Sunday Post is going to be a little bit different. I'm going to show you the stages of each house portrait.

I first ask for a photograph of the house. As straight on as possible is best, but if it's slightly off I can still work with it. 

If the photograph is straight on I trace it on to a piece of squared paper. As this one is not quite face on I draw it out without tracing. It's at this point that I select which details I'm going to include. You can definitely say what you would like me to include if there are certain details.

 After I have drawn it onto the squared paper I ink it in so the lines are dark enough to see through the fabric. I then use a light box to trace it on to the fabric ready for stitching.

I hoop up my fabric so it's drum tight and start stitching over my pencil lines. This is when the fear sets in, but I love it. As I use freehand machine embroidery the lines just have a lovely wobbly quality - I never know quite how it's going to go. I often hold my breath without realising when I start (which is not ideal!) but I soon get into the flow.

I then choose the fabric for the front door. I try to choose a similar colour, but with a fun pattern on! This then gets stitched on. 

Finally I frame it up, give it a polish and photograph it. Then it's ready to pack up nice and snug in bubble wrap and polka dotty tissue.

And there you have it! So each portrait takes quite a lot of time, but you know what, I love doing them. If you are interested in having one done please contact me here.

See you soon